As spring becomes summer, pants become shorts, and shirts become tanks. However, one New York High School’s students will not be given a pass to trade in their normal attire for something a little breezier.
In fact, students at the top preforming Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan have started protesting the conservative dress code, stating it’s unfair. The voices of the protest say it’s difficult to concentrate in hotter classrooms anyway, because the air conditioning frequently malfunctions.
When requests for a more summer friendly dress code were denied, the students turned to a little civil disobedience. They set aside one day where the entire student body would push the limits of the dress code, hoping in numbers they can get their point across. What they’ve called this day is “Slutty Wednesday.”
As some of the attendees try to blend in with the rest of the student body to get past teachers and principals patrolling the halls others continue to comply with the dress code.