Mary Pols for Time Entertainment Says of The Recent Release “The underlying message of Snow White and the Huntsman, the darkly re-imagined, thrilling new spin on the classic fairy tale, is that focus on and insecurity over one’s physical appeal to men is poison to a woman’s soul. That’s hardly a news flash—feminists and good mothers have been preaching this for ages, but movies, with their emphasis on genetic lottery winners, tend to steadily undermine the message even when supposedly celebrating it.”
This movie is a refreshing break from the usual metaphor we (and our daughters) are watching every day. The usual metaphor being an unattractive girl is a) sad until she morphs into a reasonable facsimile of the current era’s standard of beauty or b) she attracts a handsome prince charming who can somehow overlook her hideous flaws, because he realizes all attractive women are evil. So, being that he is a prince charming type, he bestows the poor Plain Jane with his majestic company forever. Thus leaving her to live in a state of grateful servitude till her death, never cheating on him, denying him, leaving his teacup empty for more than five seconds or taking any of the spotlight for herself. The there is option C) She realizes she could never marry or find true love, so she becomes a writer, poet, business woman etc.. Satisfied with whatever material rewards a life lived for herself can bring.
Snow White and The Huntsman though, shows a queen of far beyond reasonable beauty by the set standards who is jealous of the fair maiden, for reasons other than physical beauty. The evil queen/stepmother is herself a victim of the shallow trap of trying to attain perfection above all other, that we seem to know as a society fallen onto.
I think this movie is worth seeing. I think Women should bring their daughters, sister, nieces, students and any other young girls whom may benefit from this story and its underlying theme.
Read more: http://entertainment.time.com/2012/05/31/step-monster-snow-white-and-the-huntsman/#ixzz1wazXMST4