In retrospect, the timing of my barefoot-running experiment — in New York City, in January, in the middle of one of the worst cold snaps in memory — may not have been ideal. But I was willing to risk toe frostbite to find out why a growing number of trainers and scientists believe that ditching cushioned soles might be the best way to protect joggers against chronic injuries. Because the human foot has relatively little padding on the heel, barefoot runners tread more lightly, landing on the outer part of the midfoot and then rolling inward. Cushiony running shoes, by contrast, encourage a stiff heel-to-toe stride that could lead to injury. In the December issue of a journal put out by the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, researchers concluded that running in shoes exerts more stress on the knee, hip and ankle than does running barefoot or walking in high heels. “We evolved to run barefoot, and when we put shoes on, we’re taking away the function of the foot,” says Irene Davis, director of the University of Delaware Running Injury Clinic.