Schoolgirl,6, has such severe allergies she could be killed by a kiss

The top-to-toe bandages protect Isla’s skin from allergens

Schoolgirl, six, has such severe allergies she could be killed by a kiss and must be wrapped in bandages all day.

Isla suffered a severe reaction after her sister gave her a kiss hours after drinking milk.

Her skin flares up so badly people ask if I have burned her, says mother. Isla Franks, six, suffers such severe reactions that she is wrapped in bandages from the neck down for 24 hours a day, to protect her super-sensitive skin.

Her parents have to keep her clothes in a freezer instead of a wardrobe – because of her extreme reaction to dust mites.

Isla was diagnosed with extreme allergies to eggs, milk, wheat, grass and dust when she was just six months old – and her parents told she would have to be wrapped in bandages to protect her skin.

The Mail report states Isla has a special cupboard for her food to stop it coming into contact with anything else. daily times monitor.

Her mother Katy, from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, said: ‘We can’t do the things that other families can – even something as normal as going out for dinner could be deadly for Isla.

‘If anything Isla is allergic to so much as brushes past her skin, she comes up in a huge angry rash which is really painful for her.

‘And if it goes anywhere near her face, her throat will start to swell. She has so many allergies, it’s difficult to keep her away from them.’ 

‘Isla doesn’t know any different from having the bandages on, but they do irritate her. I have to sleep with her at night now to stop her scratching in her sleep, and pulling them off.

‘There are a lot of things she misses out on that all her friends can do, which does upset me.

‘Isla can’t go to parties, or round to her friend’s houses to play, because it’s too dangerous for her. If one of the other children touched her after eating something, it could kill her.

‘The other day, she saw some children eating ice cream, and asked ‘what does that taste like, Mummy?’, which was really upsetting.

‘But she’s a brave girl, and doesn’t let her allergies get in the way of running around and being a normal little girl.

‘It sounds like a cliche to say you can’t wrap your kids up in cotton wool – but I literally have to.’
