Review: Noah confounds audiences

Noah (M)

A tale of biblical proportions for the Game of Thrones generation. An ancient allegory for these climate-change chastened times. Noah – Evangelising Eco Warrior.

But what’s most surprising about Darren Aronofsky’s Book of Genesis-inspired big budget actioner is how intimate and insular an epic it is.

For while all the animals come in two-by-two (hurrah, hurrah for some truly impressive CGI) and the planet floods, the focus is very firmly fixed on old Noah (a bellicose and bedraggled Russell Crowe, borrowing Zach Galifianakis’s look from The Hangover 3) and his whanau.

That’s not to say that all the budget isn’t up on the screen though, this is an Aronofsky film after all so as in Black Swan and The Fountain there are plenty of visual delights and surreal segues from blood-soaked nightmares to a tremendous time-lapse, point-of-view recreation of, well, creation.
