R. Kelly Is Trapped in the Closet Again


R. Kelly will be releasing 20 New Episodes on IFC

R.Kelly will be releasing 20 new installments of his R&B soap opera ti IFC 5 years after the last episode.


Getting Crazier

If you thought the first 22 chapters of “Trapped in the Closet” were crazy, get ready to have your mind blown again. R. Kelly is releasing 20 new installments of his R&B soap opera, and this week, he dropped the trailer for the series’ return.


Five Years Have Passed

Five years have passed since the last episode of “Trapped in Closet,” so R. Kelly offers up a quick recap of where things left off (spoiler alert: everyone gets a mysterious phone call).


Episodes Begin on Nov. 23 on the IFC Channel

Catch the rest of the new episodes Nov. 23 on IFC, and stay tuned for more — in August, R. Kelly told MTV News he’s written 30 new chapters. ”In four weeks, I just did 30 chapters of ‘Trapped in the Closet’ and I’m proud of it,” he said. “I’m very excited about it because it took on a life of its own. It took me over.”

