Pottermore: Is New J.K. Rowling Website Good for Readers?

Pottermore: Is New J.K. Rowling Website Good for Readers?
The big reveal has been revealed: Pottermore is … an interactive thingy. A website, with assorted digital services. Harry Potter fans can enter and be sorted by the Hat and wanded by Ollivander. We can look at new images from the books

As for the rest of it … I’ll admit it, it makes me a little melancholy, just as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter made me melancholy.

There are two things that separate reading from other media experiences. One is that reading is better: it’s richer and deeper and more complex and more beautiful. It’s more intellectually rewarding. And I say this as, among other things, a hard-core video gamer. All media have their strengths. I just think reading’s strengths are strongest.
