After Adidas’s racist shoe design now Nike took the spotlight with their sexist t-shirt design.
As you all now Nike was the official outfitter of 2012 London Olympics but apparently their design was not showing enough team spirit.
The company’s new t-shirt design, which is only avaible to women, is emblazoned with the phrase “Gold Digging”. I am pretty sure that what they meant was they were expecting a lot of gold medals from our Olympians but since a gold digger means; A woman out for a man’s money. In this context it sounded like the female Olympians didn’t win or deserve their gold medals and they went about obtaining it in a deceitful or unsportsmanly way.
On the contrary… The American women at the Olympics this year worked hard for their medals, and took home twice as many golds as their male counterparts.
Maybe it would be so much better for Nike to use a phrase like ” Go for the Gold” or “Reach for the Gold”.
The style, which comes in black, grey, or white with gold lettering, is currently available at a lot of stores for $24.99. Some sites have put the shirt on sale, most likely since the Olympic games have ended.
Nike’s own website lists the “Gold Digging” shirt as “Style that starts a conversation.” And start a conversation it certainly has. The item description says, “When nothing less than the best will do, the Nike ‘Gold Digging’ Women’s T-Shirt is up to the challenge with a bold design that’s a treat on the eyes in a slim, comfortable fit.”