Another photo on Nicolas Cage is circulating in the already -obsessed-wth Nic-Cage- Internet Word.
The Photo (Shown Above)
You know when you bump into a celebrity in some random place and he or she is just totally awesome and decides to snap a cool candid photo or

two, or chill and smoke hookahs and just clown around?
This isn’t one of those times. Reddit user “EffThisImOut” posted this incredibly unflattering photo of Nicolas Cage to the social news site Oct. 8, and it almost backfired, receiving more than 3,100 “down votes” at the time of writing.
Not the Only “Nic Cage on A Plane” Photo to Circulate this Week
Believe it or not, it isn’t the only lackluster photo of Nic Cage in an air-travel related setting to surface on Reddit this week. Evidently, the guy can’t catch a flight without ending up on someone’s Facebook. Or celebrity news site, for that matter (guilty as charged).
Sympathy for Cage?

Seems like the Internet’s twisted obsession with Nic Cage just barely cuts enough muster to trump human decency.
Some Redditors expressed their sympathy:
“I’m annoyed [on] Nick Cage’s behalf,” wrote “NeonSubtlety.”
“Maybe one day people will realize how fucking obnoxious they all are and leave the man alone. Maybe,” wrote “jamie_byron_dean.”