Meghan McCain, Daughter of 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate, John McCain has been receiving hateful and disturbing internet messages and comments since appearing on the NBC’s Political Nation with Al Sharpton and denounced some views of the extreme ultra-conservative right.
McCain, who calls herself a Socially Liberal Republican, says she’s no stranger to the hostility of the far right of her party. She adds they have gone too far this time. She made a list of blogs and tweets about her or directed at her, that she says she’s “watered down” before repeating “I am fat pig. I am ugly. I am disgusting. I am an embarrassment to my family, and they should be ashamed of me. I am an anti-American extremist. I am a clueless whore. I should drink a bottle of alcohol and pills and kill myself.”
She goes on to say that “It’s no secret that the blogosphere is more vicious on women than it is on men. Recently, a Photoshopped picture of conservative pundit S.E. Cupp with a phallus in her mouth was printed in Hustler magazine. When Sandra Fluke talks about birth control, Rush Limbaugh calls her a “slut.””
As a columnist for the Daily Beast McCain says she frequently invited to speak at universities which she ends with a question and answer session. When the subject of dealing with these comments comes up, she is at a loss for words “The truth is that I don’t know what to do. When people don’t like my politics, I am happy to have a political discussion with them. But when they don’t like my politics and call me fat and say I should die, what’s left to say?”

Meghan McCain is a New York Times bestselling children’s author who previously wrote for Newsweek and is the creator of the website Her most recent book, Dirty Sexy Politics, was published in August 2010.