The troubled starlet, Linsay Lohan, found herself officially ousted from Hollywood hotspot Chateau Marmont recently for failing to pay the $46,350.04 bill that she owes the famed hotel. Included in her hotel charges is a bill for more that $600 for cigarettes. The actress says it was a misunderstanding and that she assumed the producers of Liz & Me were picking up the tab, since she stayed there while filming.

Lohan, who has frequently been spotted partying at the hotel’s ritzy lounge, had been living at the Chateau Marmont in June and July, and racked up an impressive bill over the course of two months – a good portion of which went to alcohol.
According to an itemized bill obtained by TMZ, the 26-year-old actress was charged for $3,145.07 in minibar expenses over her 47-day stay, with an eye-popping $502.43 charge on July 1.
“As you are aware from our previous correspondences starting on July 8, you currently owe the hotel a grand total of $46,350.04 in charges for your stay starting on May 30, 2012,” the official notice from the hotel’s manager reads. “I have enclosed a copy of your most up to date folio for your records.”
Other charges on the bill include $686 for cigarettes, a $100 Chateau candle and a one-time $386.50 laundry charge on June 23.
According to the hotel’s stern letter, Lohan was required to remove all of her belongings by noon on Aug. 1 and then was effectively banned from the property.
Sources close to Lohan tell TMZ, however, that the only reason the actress supposedly skipped out on the bill was because she had assumed the producers behind “Liz & Dick” would cover all the expenses.
The 26-year-old actress was surprised by her oust, the site reports, and will happily shell out the necessary funds if the producers refuse to pay.

This latest blemish on Lohan’s public record comes in the wake of news that the “Mean Girls” actress has officially been cleared of any involvement with a recent Hollywood Hills jewelry burglary.
Lohan, who has been in trouble with the law over her sticky fingers before, was initially named a suspect in a criminal investigation over the theft of several items from Hollywood pal Sam Magid’s home. On Tuesday, however, prosecutors proclaimed Lohan and her entourage free of suspicion.
“Whenever I’m doing great, people fabricate lies,” she wrote on Twitter in her own defense. “It’s such a shame.”