Lil Wayne Loses Lawsuit Over Documentary AND Is Ordered to Pay 2 Million in Counter Suit

Lil Wayne Loses Lawsuit


Lil’ Wayne loses his law suite and is ordered to pay 2 million to Quincey in the counter suit. 


Lil Wayne Loses Lawsuit 



Lil Wayne just lost his case against Quincy Jones III over the documentary about the rapper, and even worse for him, he lost the countersuit QIII filed against him.


As Well As Counter Suit 


The jury ordered Lil Wayne to pay Quincy $2,195,000.  Quincy’s countersuit alleged Lil Wayne wrongfully jock blocked the release of the film, screwing up its profit potential.


Trial No Show 

Lil Wayne never showed up in court for his trial.  The day he was supposed to testify he was a no-show because he had suffered several seizure-like episodes and was prohibited from flying.  As a result, his lawyer was left to show the jury Wayne’s deposition, in which he refuses to answer questions and mocks the proceeding.
