Vincent Giardano, 52-year-old, a former employee of a law firm in NY is now handing his resumes in hopes of finding a new job.
Until two years ago, Giordano worked for a big law firm, making copies of documents and providing litigation support. Then he was laid off. How come? “The economy,” he shrugs. “They wanted to get younger people in. They let the older people go.” ABC News reported.
After trying employment agencies and even Craigslist he came up with another idea.
He decided to stand on a busy street in NY holding a sign: ‘HIRE ME.’ So far, nobody has—and he’s been doing this every weekday for a month.
He said that one day he saw the ABC News story about a man who found a job this same way. “Monkey-see, monkey-do,” says Giordano.
The other man, who had a degree in finance, stood around in front of the W.R. Grace building in New York for 30 days, Giordano says. “Eventually, the people in the building got tired of seeing him, and they brought him up to the office. The rest is history. He’s my inspiration.”
On a good day recently, he handed out 50 resumes, which, he says, netted him five interviews–“but no cigar” yet.
The best corners for prospecting are the busiest, he says. He handed out his 50 resumes, for example, at 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Now he’s ready to branch out. “People tell me I should circulate myself,” he says. “I’m thinking about doing Wall Street next, or maybe the courts in Brooklyn.”