Jennifer Aniston is reportedly pregnant for what seems like the millionth time.
The latest pregnancy report comes courtesy of Star Magazine, who clams the actress cried “tears of joy” when she found out she was pregnant with a baby girl.
The tabloid claims that the 43-year-old is due in May, but claims that she hasn’t announced the pregnancy because she’s “superstitious and scared to death that making a huge public deal over her pregnancy might jinx her,” according to a source.
“It’s just another fabrication! She was just at LACMA and she certainly does not look pregnant. When has Star (the magazine) ever been right?,” her representative said.
But to be fair, Star mag isn’t the only one to speculate about the actress’ fertility cycle.
Aniston, who wore a cleavage-baring gown, had showed some skin while posting next to her fiance at the LACMA 2012 Art + Film gala on October 27 in Los Angeles.