While speaking in Michigan, Mitt Romney was asked a quest that may have caught him off guard. “If you just cut, if all you’re thinking about doing is cutting spending, as you cut spending you’ll slow down the economy.” New York Times writer, Paul Krugman say “A-ha, so cutting government spending hurts growth, other things equal.”
This, quite understandably, left the far right conservatives shocked an appalled. Romney’s camp later tried to do a back-up-walk and explain that he didn’t agree with the current presidents Kenynesian economic plan because, as a Romney spokesperson stated “The governor’s point was that simply slashing the budget, with no affirmative pro-growth policies, is insufficient to get the economy turned around.”
Some are saying it’s too late for back tracking because the cat’s already out of the bag. Krugman also added that “But that’s not what the candidate said, and it’s very unlikely that it’s what he meant. Almost surely, he is, in fact, a closet Keynesian.”