Teheran's new government last week gave its
people the first inkling of how much Mohammed Mossadegh's “victory”
over the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. had cost the country. Normal oil revenues lost in the 29 months since nationalization: $180 million. Actual operating deficit in the oilfields: $61 million. Tools, overhaul, required to get the giant Abadan refinery back into
full production: $30 to $40 million.Total loss to Iran: at least $271 million —$9,600,000 for each month
that Mossadegh ruled.Premier Fazlollah Zahedi's purpose in publishing these disastrous totals
was to hint at his desire to settle with the British and restart the
oil industry, “the main source of income in the Iranian nation.” In
explosively chauvinistic Iran, such ideas have to be gingerly phrased:
“It is impossible to carry on national reforms without a solution of
the oil problem . . . This government hopes to take efficient steps
toward exploiting this resource.”