On September 12, Apple promised that its new handset and the iOS 6 software powering it would be “the biggest things to happen to iPhone since iPhone,” per the Wall Street Journal. But after carefully analyzing the product, do tech savvy reviewers and bloggers agree?
Latest Design Won Over Many
In short, many critics fell madly in love with the iPhone 5’s taller display (4 inches), lighter weight (3.95 ounces), and upped processing power. The

addition of 4G LTE capabilities and additional camera features also earned accolades for the device.
Fewer Features?
Several reviewers were united in griping about a few features, however. A low point for some was the new Apple Maps app, which Apple is now baking into iOS releases instead of Google Maps. Others found the new Lighting port to be more of a hassle than a perk.
September 21st
The iPhone 5 will be available to the general public September 21. According to Apple, the phone will cost $199 for the 16GB phone, $299 for the 32GB and $399 for the 64GB. The highly anticipated smartphone could become Apple’s fastest-selling iPhone to date; indeed, eager customers reportedly laid claim to the entire pre-order stockwithin one hour of it becoming available on September 14.