Exotic dancer Joslyn James makes a controversial analogy between strip clubs and the Catholic Church, as well as some surprising facts regarding the differences between male and female clientele.

You may know exotic dancer Joslyn James from her 5 minutes in the spotlight after coming forward about her affair with golf super star, Tiger Woods. However, in a recent interview with Dr. Drew for CNN she exhibited another one of her talents, a commentator on the social sexual moral of the early 21st century papal congregation, as well as giving anthropological insights into modern sexual behaviorism as it relates to the modern female’s voyeuristic appetite.
She was asked by the host, aka Dr. Drew, about the incidents of drug use among exotic dancers, she said that although the occurrences of drug abuse may be high among participants, she did not believe it was directly related to the profession. She further went to explain that she see’s more debauchery (Or deblockery) happening in the Catholic Church than in any strip club.
When asked by Dr. Drew about her female clientele, she responded by saying she believed the “fairer” of the sexes to be more sexually aggressive than most of their male counterparts. The exception to this rule being male audiences from predominantly college towns.
This leaves one question on the readers/viewers minds….. which church does she attend? Just saying…….