Did Rihanna Go Too Far With Her Last Tweet?

We got used to Rihanna’s tweets that includes curse words and nude pictures, some people think that she posts these things to share everything with her fans some people thinks she posts these stuff to get attention.

For the last two weeks we have been witnessing the blossom of Rihanna and Chris’s relationship. First it was Chris shirtless laying on the bed then Rihanna posing topless and finally a picture that shows Rihanna sitting on Chris’s lap kissing her head.

But the last tweet that Rihanna posted went a little too far perhaps in attempt to draw attention.

The R&B singer, who has of late been posting spiritual quotes and truisms, went ahead and called God a ‘nigga’ (slang and colloquial for Black people) on the micro-blogging site.

The tweet read: God is THAT nigga tho!!! Soon after her post, fans and followers’ reactions started pouring in. And guess what… they don’t seem to mind the post at all. Here’s what they replied:

@Casellono: WtF!!? lol

@kRiSsHeLz: who you telling??? Lol

@HOTKOOLVICIOUS: @rihanna praise HIM!!!!!

@Famous_DivaSham: @rihanna lmao… and you is that bitch

@hannahmonks0x: @rihanna I love you remember that ?? lol

@Durags4Eva: He made sure you escaped the Jaws of death when Chrissy was punching your skull.He really is that nigga

@2bRaay: and you know this pimpin!
