Condoleezza Rice Learns Sobering Facts About Her Ancestors




Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice




Former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, hears some sobering facts regarding one of her ancestors from The Roots’ Henry Louis Gates Jr..


Condoleezza Rice spoke with Henry Louis Gates Jr. and shared stories of her childhood in racially turbulent 1960’s Birmingham, Alabama, and learned about her great-grandmother’s European roots and slavery-era past on PBS’s Finding Your Roots, hosted by The Roots editor-in-chief, Henry Louis Gates Jr.  


Directly from Finding your roots, Ms. Rice learned this:


“Julia, 4 years old, $450,” Rice reads from a slavery-era document found during Gates’ investigation. “My great-grandmother was worth $450? The humanization, just property.” Rice’s great-grandmother would live to be emancipated.


Check your local PBS listing for airing of the show in it’s entirety.


