In April of 2011, Leila Neve was ready to hold her daughter Charlotte,7, who was left in a coma having had suffered a brain hemorrhage only days before, for the last time. And then a miraculous thing happened…..
Doctors had told Leila there was to reason for hope of her child ever coming out of her coma and she should come in and say her final goodbyes. The grief stricken mother crawled into her daughter’s hospital bed for to cuddle her one last time.
That’s when a miracle happened.
One of Charlotte’s favorite songs “Rolling in the Deep” came on the radio, and the suffering mother began to sing lightly to her child as the tears were flowing and then Charlotte smiled.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Neve recalled to The Telegraph. “It was the first time she had reacted to anything since the hemorrhage. The nurses were astounded and told me to keep singing, and she smiled again.”
It only took days for Charlotte, who had suffered several strokes since her brain hemorrhage on April 12 to be getting out of bed and working with hospital staff on her way to recovery.
“It was like she was rebooting,” said Neve “She was allowed to come home for a weekend to see how she was and the first thing she said was ‘home sweet home.’ ”
“Charlotte has been brilliant. She is so determined and brave. The doctors have stopped telling us what she should be able to do – because she has amazed them so much” boasts Neve.