Review: APO, A New Era

Thursday evening’s Auckland Philharmonia proved to be a study in contrasts, not just in terms of the programme but also in terms of the performances. Subtitled A New Age, the APO continued its exploration of music of the early 20th century with works by Debussy, Glazunov and Schoenberg.


The origin of the latest Hollywood formula

If you’ve gone to the movies recently, you may have felt a strangely familiar feeling: You’ve seen this movie before. Not this exact movie, but some of these exact story beats: the hero dressed down by his mentor in the first 15 minutes (Star Trek Into Darkness, Battleship); the villain who gets caught on purpose (The Dark Knight, The Avengers, Skyfall, Star Trek Into Darkness); the moment of hopelessness and disarray a half-hour before the movie ends (Olympus Has Fallen, Oblivion, 21 Jump Street, Fast & Furious 6)
