Canadian Fisherman Catches Rare Blue Lobster


Donald, the rare blue lobster, will be released back into his oceanic home

Canadian Fisherman Bobby Stoddard brought up an unusual catch the other. A very rare blue lobster. When asked about his reaction upon first seeing the sky colored  Stoddard remarked “I turned around and said, ‘Holy smoke!’ ” 

Stoddard said that was the first blue lobster he has seen in hiss 33 years as a fisherman “This is the only one that I’ve ever seen,” he told CNN “And my dad has been a lobsterman of about 55 years, and he caught one about 45 years ago, but hadn’t seen one since.”


As for the fate of the lobster, he plans to release him back into the ocean. 

When Bobby Stoddard caught a rare blue lobster , his girlfriend insisted he sell at a classified ad site, but SToddard not wanting anyone to purchase it, put a very large price tag on it.

