Best news bloopers of 2013

The world of 24-hour live news normally appears seamless but sometimes it can all go horribly wrong.

The best news bloopers of 2013 video shows how this can happen. The slip-ups range from simple tongue twisters which spill into sexual references, to reporters who don’t know they are on live, and people fooling around in the back of live crosses to mention a few.

Crack-smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford makes an appearance as does AJ Clement, who made international headlines after dropping the f-bomb on his first day as an anchor.

Other notable clips include a boob-groping baboon, the eyewitness who saw one of the Ariel Castro kidnap victims running towards him and basically any of the clips of reporters falling over.

The collection is mainly from America, but also features mishaps from Asia, Europe and South America.

The full video can be watched here – but viewer discretion is advised around some of the language.

Also try not to drink anything while watching this as the contents could end up coming out of your nose mid-laugh.

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