Ariel winters Mother Issues a Cease and Desist Notice to Publicist
Chrystal Workman Sends A Notice to Jonathan Hay
Ariel Winter’s mother, Chrystal Workman, has fired off a cease and desist letter to the publicist who claimed Chrystal demanded he leak nude photos of her eldest daughter — however she does admit sending him scantily clad pics.
The media obtained a copy of the letter sent to Jonathan Hay … in which Chrystal’s attorney warns him to stop “making false and defamatory statements” because, “Ms. Workman never represented to Mr. Hay that nude pictures existed of her daughter Shanelle.”
Workman Admits to Having In Her Possession Nude Photos of Older Daughter
But in the same letter Workman admits sending Hay 2 photos of Shanelle Gray, which she says she found on the Internet and while they’re not fully nude … they are very revealing.
Photos in Question were Taken at A Party
But it turns out the photos were NOT private or secret in any way … they were taken at a cast party for “One Life to Live” by a professional photographer. FYI — Shanelle was

in the cast when the pics were taken.
In the cease and desist letter Workman’s attorney says, “The attached email contains pictures which raise the question, to Ms. Workman, whether Shanelle is fit to be the guardian of a teenager.”
What Really Happened?
As we previously reported, Hay had claimed Ariel’s mother sent him nude photos which she wanted leaked to the public — presumably to smear Shanelle … who’s taken guardianship of Ariel in the wake of allegations Chrystal was abusing the “Modern Family” star.
Hay has responded to Chrystal’s letter with a letter of his own in which he claims Chrystal herself “described these photos to me as ‘nude photos’ before I even saw them.” He also points out the photos “expose intimate parts of [Shanelle’s] body.”
Everyone Just Feels Sorry for Ariel
Hay closes his letter with a major jab at Chrystal, saying … “I feel terrible that a 14-year-old child has to suffer the consequences of her own mother’s unfortunate decisions.”