Eight hundred miles is a long way to go to meet up with a online romance, but apparently not for a 13-year-old girl who stole her brother’s car and her mother’s bank card, snuck out of her window in the middle of the night and began her journey.
The Crime
It’s even further when you’re a 13 year old girl driving your brother’s car — borrowed without permission, of course — to rendezvous with an online boyfriend whom

you’ve never met in person before.
That’s how far Elizabeth Annette Robinson of Cypress, Texas, was willing to go to meet the 12-year-old guy whom she met while playing Xbox over the Internet. Last Thursday, Elizabeth decided she’d rather play the game of love for real and stole her mom’s ATM card, snuck out her bedroom window, and hopped into her brother’s 2011 Nissan Versa.
Robinson drove north through Arkansas to meet the object of her affection, Dylan, in Nashville, Tenn.
How It All Started
Elizabeth’s mother, Tressa Robinson, started noticing some changes in the teen a little while before she made her break. “She started staying in her bedroom more, isolating herself where she was always with the headset, always talking,” Robinson told the TV station. “That’s how they communicated through the Xbox.”
When Elizabeth’s dad took away the Xbox earlier this week, she decided to make her break and run away to Hodgenville, Ky., to meet Dylan in the flesh.
Although Dylan tried to talk her out of the road trip, Elizabeth went through with it any way.
The Trip
The teenager was about 50 miles away from Nashville when local police finally apprehended her, Dep. Thomas Gilliland, spokesman for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, told the Houston Chronicle.
He was impressed that she was able to drive for so long without getting caught despite being three years away from getting a learner’s permit.
“It’s amazing she was able to manipulate the roadways,” Gilliland told the paper.
How It Ended
Elizabeth was taken into custody until her parents arrived. Once they retrieved her from the authorities, they decided to arrange a meeting with Dylan so their daughter could put the thing to rest.
No charges are expected to be filed against the lovestruck teenage car thief, Gilliland told the Houston Chronicle.